Cold shock boosts norepinephrine up to 5-fold & increase type of immune cell that kills tumor cells. Click here to read this informative article by Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick, Ph.D.
Cold shock boosts norepinephrine up to 5-fold & increase type of immune cell that kills tumor cells. Click here to read this informative article by Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick, Ph.D.
By Katherine Terrell, | The Times-Picayune
on March 21, 2016 at 4:08 PM, updated March 22, 2016 at 10:30 AM
"The cold saltwater spa is essentially a new way to use an old method. But cold therapy is something that reaches far beyond horses. It's a staple in every sport.
Horse racing, like the NFL, has a reputation for being reluctant or slow to embrace change. But these days, cutting edge technology seems more the norm than the exception."
For full article, CLICK HERE
"Every morning, Tony Robbins starts his day off by plunging into a 57-degree Fahrenheit pool of water. It’s not exactly a gentle way to wake up, but that’s besides the point. Cold water immersion activates the body’s natural healing powers that can relieve the symptoms of many medical conditions and promote a sense of health and well-being. And when practiced on a regular basis, cold water immersion can even provide long-lasting changes to your body’s immune, lymphatic, circulatory and digestive systems that enhance the overall quality of your life.
Let’s take a closer look five important benefits of cold water immersion" - CLICK HERE
"When the workout is over and it's time to recover, we have a short list of things we’d like to do to help us relax: get a full-body massage; take a nice hot shower; maybe sip a protein shake and play some X-Box. An ice bath doesn’t immediately come to mind. But according to many top strength coaches who work with pro athletes, soaking in a tub full of ice is something that can make a big difference in the way your body recovers." For full article, CLICK HERE
"Cooling or recovery techniques used usually include more traditional methods such as massage, stretching sessions, steam baths, yoga and swimming. But many athletes now claim that plunging into a tub of ice water (about 6C) after exercise increases their rate of recovery and helps reduce muscle pain."
For full article, CLICK HERE